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Important Advocacy Updates


Stay Informed & Check Your Email

Use your personal email for GLMA communications!

Our Advocacy Team will be sending weekly updates throughout the legislative session on Wednesdays.

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American Association of School Librarians

GLMA is an affiliate assembly for the American Association of School Librarians. Their Advocacy Tools page contains many resources, including a series of brochures about how school library programs improve student learning. 

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The Georgia Library Media Association supports our members in advocating for the support of their school library programs.


We use various forms of electronic communication and social media to keep our members informed about the state-level policies that impact their programs. We also support members in advocating for their programs at the school, district, state and national levels.

Local Advocacy

These guidelines from GLMA are intended to help school library media specialists build grassroots support and influence decision-making at the local and district levels, as well as the state level. This document was created by our former lobbyist/executive office but still contains valuable information. 

The Art of Lobbying

This presentation from GLMA is designed to help school library media specialists become more effective at legislators and other policymakers. This document was created by our former lobbyist/executive office but still contains valuable information. 

Our Beliefs

  • We believe an effective school library, led by a certified library media specialist, is an integral part of the learning community.


  • We believe learners should be prepared for life beyond school, whether college or career.


  • We believe literacy is at the core of personal and academic success.


  • We believe intellectual freedom is every learner’s right.


  • We believe information technologies must be appropriately integrated and equitably available.

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Advocating for Library Media Programs, Staffing, and Funding

Do you know both the legislators who represent you personally as well as those who represent the families whose children you teach? A new website - - provides direction and links on who represents a specific address. If you are interested in receiving information on legislative updates and potentially participating in advocacy when needed, please send an email with your name, school, and school district (plus RESA district if known) to


Personal interaction with legislators, whether by email or phone, or face-to-face, with stories specific to your school’s situation is most effective.  Especially with so many new members in the legislature this session, laying the groundwork with yours now may improve responsiveness later. Please review the lists of committee members below to see if you recognize any names or towns; linking to their biographies on the General Assembly website may also provide valuable information on their backgrounds, affiliations, and interests. 


Please also begin to consider how your library funding and staffing may have changed over the past several years.  Having this information at hand if changes are proposed in the session (or another education funding study commission is formed) may be very helpful.  



Are you interested in how media centers (staffing and resources) are funded - and the history of funding?  Click the button below for this information.

2025 Georgia Representatives

Resources from ALA & AASL

  • GLMA Facebook Page
  • GLMA Twitter
  • GLMA Instagram

Contact Us

© Copyright 2022 by Georgia Library Media Association


Address: PO Box 1535

Smyrna, GA 30081

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