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May the fourth be with you and other library program ideas for May


Updated: Apr 10, 2019

Happy almost May!

Check out the Demco Teen Library Calendar or the Children's Activity Calendar for some great literacy and MakerSpace ideas for May.

Ideas for celebrating in May:

May Day

National Library Legislative Day

Cinco de Mayo

Mother's Day

Memorial Day

National Readathon Day

Virtual Library Legislative Day

Georgia STEM Day

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

Jewish American Heritage Month

National Inventors' Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

National Bike Month/Bike-to-Work Day

National Mobility Awareness Month

National Foster Care Month

Older Americans Month

Children's Book Week

Choose Privacy Week

Hurricane Preparedness Week

Looking forward:

Our last #GaLibChat for this school year will be on May 13th!Summer Institute is June 10th-11thThe President's Reception will be held on June 9th from 6pm-9pm, location TBAHotel rates are good through May 8th so book quickly! Reserve now to lock in our GLMA rates.

Georgia STEM Day! - May 3rd

Georgia STEM Day is a day for schools, educators, students, and companies to engage in activities involving science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). By celebrating Georgia STEM Day on May 3, 2019, you are helping to raise awareness of the importance of STEM in our state. Join the thousands of teachers, schools, and districts that have already registered to participate in this STEM celebration by clicking the register button below! Registration for 2019 is now open!


FREE Comic Book Day - May 4th

Hitch onto this comic store celebration by featuring your graphic novels and circulating comic collections, which are free to use every day!

Visit their site and find out how to prep here. Consider hosting a prep session on Friday to help your students and geek out!

Star Wars Nerds Unite on May 4th!

Consider how you may incorporate this culture icon into your library programs or MakerSpaces:

Star Wars origami bookmarksStar Wars crochet patternsHost a Star Wars name generator online or at a stationStar Wars trivia during lunch or morning timeDesign a Jedi ship with LegosFor the more advanced, try making your own Light Saber



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